If you’re a seafood lover, you may have enjoyed a delicious piece of buttery, melt-in-your mouth sea bass at a nice restaurant. But before 1977, you likely wouldn’t have even considered it if you saw it on a menu: how enticing does an Antarctic toothfish sound? Or how about some slimehead instead of orange roughy? These fish stories are fun true case studies of changing perceptions through words.
While the fish renaming was prompted in part by a declining population of popular fish like Cod combined with an abundance of other less desirable fish, consider what perceptions your customers have about your product or service: is there an opportunity to re-tell your story, or make something you have more valuable? Your updated story needs to be authentic and true, or it’ll do more harm than good. But if you can retell your product story, ideally linking it with something to which customers are currently favorable, you can positively change perceptions. The world is ever-changing, so think of how your story can better reflect how your product helps in today’s world.